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Behind the Deep State

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How Local and State Governments Can Defeat the Deep State 

Published on: Monday, October 14, 2024

One of the most effective ways to restrict an overreaching federal government is by turning to the constitutional authority of local government, argues Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State for The New American.  Through original source documentation and stunning quotes, Newman takes the audience on a historical tour of times of ...

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What is the UN “Master Plan for Humanity”?

Published on: Monday, October 7, 2024

The United Nations “Pact for the Future” contains dozens of references to the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the “Master Plan for Humanity,” but what does that mean for liberty and for you? In this episode of Behind The Deep State, The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, freshly returned ...

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UN 2.0 Plotting Your Future with New “Pact”

Published on: Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The United Nations and its member governments have been busy planning out your future–a future of censorship, tyranny, global governance, indoctrination of children, and more–explained The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State after returning from the UN Summit of the Future. The summit, which received very ...

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Is Donald Trump With or Against the Deep State?

Published on: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Debate is raging among some corners of Christianity and even some conservatives about whether Donald Trump is worthy of their support, with some even suggesting he is part of the “Swamp” or the “Deep State.” However, as The New American senior editor Alex Newman explains in this episode of Behind The Deep State, Trump became ...

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Weaponizing “School Choice” to Control ALL Education

Published on: Monday, September 9, 2024

The United Nations and Democrats across America, along with some Republicans, are working to use “school choice” tax-funding for home education and private schools to bring it all under the control of government, warned The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman. Arizona, recently touted as the “model” for school choice, is exhibit A, but ...

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Deep State War on Farmers

Published on: Monday, September 2, 2024

Farmers and ranchers around the world have a bullseye on their operations as Big Business and Big Government join forces to transform the food supply and centralize control, warns journalist Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From South Africa and Brazil to China and the West, the pretexts for destroying independent ...

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Is the Next Pandemic Here or Coming Soon? How to Respond

Published on: Monday, August 26, 2024

The same forces behind Covid tyranny are getting ready to do it again, but humanity and the medical profession must resist, explains Global Health Project co-founder Dr. Kat Lindley in this interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Whether it’s monkeypox or bird flu or “disease X,” Dr. Lindley is not concerned about the ...

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Deep State Preps for the NEXT Plandemic

Published on: Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Deep State’s minions are getting ready to launch the next pandemic in a series of meetings and conferences around the world similar to those that preceded COVID and featuring many of the same key players, warned The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Vaccines and injections are ...

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Occult “Spirituality” & Values Manipulation Injected In Schools by UN

Published on: Monday, August 12, 2024

The United Nations is injecting occult “spirituality” and leftwing extremism into classrooms and the minds of captive children around the world under the guise of “Social-Emotional Learning” (SEL), explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Indeed, many of the ringleaders of this movement openly claim ...

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Was The Deep State Involved in Trump Assassination Attempt?

Published on: Monday, July 29, 2024

Were Deep State figures involved in the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump? It may be too early to tell right now, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. But as Newman points out, top Deep State leaders in intelligence and the secretive world of power politics have ...

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Deep State-created Invisible Enemies & Trump Assassination Attempt

Published on: Monday, July 22, 2024

In this special episode of Behind The Deep State, The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman pauses from his manufactured enemies series to comment on the assassination attempt made on Donald Trump. An article Newman wrote in 2017 based on an extensive interview with Roger Stone predicted that this would come. And it sure ...

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Manufacturing Enemies: Deep State Terror & ISIS – Part 4

Published on: Wednesday, July 17, 2024

By supporting jihadists and known al Qaeda terrorists in from Libya to Syria and worldwide, the Deep State and its machine in Washington, D.C., directly and deliberately created the Islamic State (ISIS) and poured fuel on the fires of global Islamic terrorism, explains The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind ...

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Manufacturing Enemies: Commies, Drugs & Jihad – Part 3

Published on: Monday, July 8, 2024

Continuing in his explosive series exposing how the Deep State is manufacturing real and imagined enemies to steal freedom, sovereignty, and money from Americans, The New American magazine editor Alex Newman shows how the Communist regimes in North Korea and Cuba, along with the drug trade and globalist Islamic jihad, were built with help from ...

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Manufacturing “Enemies” to Steal Freedom – Pt. 2: Nazis and ChiComs

Published on: Monday, July 1, 2024

The Deep State played a crucial role in the rise of both the National Socialist (Nazi) movement in Germany and the Chinese Communist Party in China, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Citing a wide range of different sources including official government documents, Newman shows that ...

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Manufacturing “Enemies” to Steal Freedom – Part 1

Published on: Monday, June 24, 2024

The Deep State has been manufacturing real and imagined enemies for generations to justify escalating attacks on liberty, prosperity, and humanity, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This pattern is becoming more and more obvious. In part 1 of this series, Alex focuses on ...

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Globalists Spanked in EU Elections; Left Concerned US is Next

Published on: Monday, June 17, 2024

Globalist, leftwing, and open-borders parties were hammered in the recent elections for the European “Parliament,” sparking concerns among establishment voices that those trends foreshadow similar developments in the United States, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. France saw globalist and pro-mass migration parties especially devastated, setting ...

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UN WHO Power Grab Partly Delayed, but Not Defeated

Published on: Monday, June 10, 2024

Despite early indications that the World Health Organization’s breath-taking power grab was facing set backs, the global outfit made major progress on usurping unprecedented powers even while vowing to redouble its efforts to finish the job, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman on this episode of Behind The Deep State. First, many ...

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International Criminal Court Power Grab Could Put YOU in the Crosshairs 

Published on: Monday, June 3, 2024

A massive power grab by the “International Criminal Court” could end up legitimizing the kangaroo body’s illegitimate claim to have jurisdiction over every person on Earth including you, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Neither the U.S. government nor the Israeli government are signatories to the ...

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North America Needs EU-Style Regime, Says Mexican President

Published on: Monday, May 27, 2024

Far-left Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is calling for a European Union-style union for North America, admitting openly what globalists have been plotting in the shadows for decades, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The architecture is already in place, he notes. But ...

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Bird Flu Hysteria Takes Flight Amid WHO Power Grab & 2024 Election

Published on: Monday, May 20, 2024

The establishment is peddling hysteria surrounding bird flu just in time for the World Health Organization power grab and the 2024 election, warned The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. As Newman explains, key “public health” figures have been threatening with a deadly bird flu pandemic ...

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Hidden Hand Behind Protests on Campuses: Who… and Why?

Published on: Tuesday, May 14, 2024

There are powerful hidden forces behind the seemingly spontaneous anti-Israel uprisings on college campuses including George Soros, the Rockefeller dynasty, and the Communist dictatorship ruling Cuba, explains The New American magazine senior editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. All of these forces are connected to the highest echelons of Deep ...

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Deep State’s “Christian Nationalism” Smear is a Trap

Published on: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Deep State is deliberately fomenting hysteria about the supposed “threat” of “Christian nationalism” and “Christian nationalists,” warning that “democracy” is in the crosshairs, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. After offering a sampling of these attacks from the far-left fake media, Newman goes ...

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Sheriffs Can Protect US From Deep State’s Next Move

Published on: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

As the chief law enforcement officers in their jurisdictions, sheriffs have the power and the duty to protect the rights of their constituents from any attacks including those from the Deep State and even the federal government, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Having ...

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How Deep Staters Use Tax-Exempt Foundations to Destroy US

Published on: Monday, April 22, 2024

Deep State money men and leaders use such as the Rockefeller dynasty use tax-exempt foundations and non-profit organizations to protect their fortunes from the taxman and also to wage war on liberty, self-government, and America’s constitutional system, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Congress actually uncovered ...

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The Inflation Scam Is Grand Theft by the Deep State

Published on: Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Inflation is not some mysterious force that the Federal Reserve needs to constrain, but the deliberate theft of wealth by the banking cartel that owns and operates the Fed for Deep State benefit, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From dishonest inflation numbers and the destruction ...

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Bill Gates Backs UN Plot for “Digital Infrastructure” of Tyranny

Published on: Monday, April 8, 2024

Billionaire population-control fanatic Bill Gates is teaming up with the Rockefeller oil dynasty and the United Nations to impose what they call “digital public infrastructure” on humanity, starting with 50 governments within the next 5 years, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The 50 ...

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Real Agenda Behind War on Family, Trans Mania

Published on: Monday, April 1, 2024

The war on family being pursued by evildoers, including the explosion of transgender mania at every level, is about restructuring society and moving toward a tyrannical global order, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman on this episode of Behind The Deep State. In fact, from the very beginning, advocates of the sexualization ...

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How the Deep State is Using Artificial Intelligence to Brainwash Children, Control Elections, and Surveil the World

Published on: Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI), programmed by raging totalitarians, is being used by the Deep State to indoctrinate children by replacing human teachers, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Additionally, AI is now infiltrating elections. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), noted that technology is ...

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Eerie Parallels Between Marxist Coup in Brazil & Democrat Schemes in US

Published on: Monday, March 18, 2024

The Deep State’s efforts to enslave Brazil under the regime of Marxist would-be dictator Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva bear remarkable parallels to what Democrats and their Deep State handlers are doing in the United States, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From the dubious elections ...

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Deep State Propaganda Aided & Abetted Mass Murder, Tyranny, Hitler & Stalin

Published on: Monday, March 11, 2024

The Deep State’s propaganda machine including the New York Times has been instrumental in aiding and abetting the mass murder and enslavement of countless people, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. These publications and fake media outlets covered up Joseph Stalin’s genocide in Ukraine, ...

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How Evildoers Weaponized Music and Entertainment Against God & You

Published on: Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Diabolical evil has infested every cultural sector imaginable including the music industry, Hollywood, and even sports, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. In fact, numerous leading figures in these industries have even spoken publicly about how they made a literal deal with the devil in exchange ...

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The Great Taking: How the Deep State Will Ensure You Own Nothing

Published on: Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A longtime investment banker named David Webb is exposing a global plot dubbed “The Great Taking” to steal stocks and other assets from Americans and people across the world, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. As part of the plan, laws were quietly changed ...

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How US Intel Agencies Manipulate Media & the Public

Published on: Tuesday, February 20, 2024

U.S. intelligence agencies tried to sabotage Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin, but this interference with the press by the CIA and other agencies is nothing new, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman on this episode of Behind The Deep State. Two key schemes, Project Mockingbird and Operation Mockingbird, saw these rogue actors spying ...

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The Truth About Putin: What Fake Media Hides From US

Published on: Saturday, February 10, 2024

With Russian leader Vladimir Putin dominating the news cycle this week due to his interview with Tucker Carlson, it is important to have some context about who Putin is, what he thinks, and how his actions have furthered the globalist agenda, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep ...

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The Real Agenda Behind Biden-backed Border Invasion

Published on: Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The invasion coming across the Southern border being engineered by the Biden administration is about more than just bringing in more Democrat voters, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The real agenda includes de-Christianizing what used to be known as “Christendom,” undermining the nation-state, and ultimately ...

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Public School Is the Primary Weapon of the Deep State

Published on: Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Through the deliberate dumbing down and conditioning of children, the Deep State has radicalized youth to hate America’s Christian, constitutional, and moral heritage to create global citizens, ready to play their role as a cog in the machine of a collectivist society, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The ...

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WEF’s Looming Economic Shift is Global Serfdom – What Are NAC, BIS, CBDC, PPP? 

Published on: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The looming economic transformation being peddled by the Deep State including “Natural Asset Companies,” public-private partnerships, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) plan for a global unified blockchain ledger seek to enslave humanity, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. ...

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How Actual Communists Used “Public Education” to Kill Us

Published on: Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Communists and “robber baron” super capitalists teamed up to destroy free America using the government school system to turn young Americans against God, country, and family, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From the very hatching of the idea that government should educate children to the ...

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Behind The Deep State | Deep State Dissolving US Border ON PURPOSE!

Published on: Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The destruction of the U.S. border and the ongoing invasion of millions of fighting-age men into the United States is a deliberate ploy by the Deep State to destroy America on the road to world order, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Alex also breaks down ...

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UN ‘Climate’ Deal to Phase Out Oil… or the Free World?

Published on: Tuesday, December 19, 2023

DUBAI–The United Nations and its member governments inked a deal last week to transition away from hydrocarbon energy (oil, gas, coal), but the real goal is to phase out the free world or what used to be known as Christendom, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. ...

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Naked Calls for Censorship, Global Taxes & Tyranny at UN Climate Summit

Published on: Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Deep State totalitarians such as John Kerry and Al Gore are coming out of the closet at the United Nations COP28 “climate” summit calling for censorship, global taxes, and much more, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman from the summit in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Biden and Western governments were ...

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Did the Deep State Take Out JFK? 

Published on: Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Powerful Deep State forces within the “intelligence” community and beyond hated John F. Kennedy over his animus toward the CIA, and those same forces have been running wild to the point where they now brag openly about murdering people and taking out presidents, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind ...

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Biden & Co. Bow to ChiCom’s New World Order

Published on: Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Biden administration, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and many of America’s most powerful Big Business CEOs rolled out the red carpet and bowed down to mass-murdering Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping recently, but this has been going on for a long time, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of ...

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Exposing ‘Censorship Industrial Complex’ That Threatens All Liberties

Published on: Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The “censorship industrial complex” built and operated by the Deep State and its allies threatens not just freedom of speech, the free press, and free expression, but all liberties, explained The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Just this month, Congress exposed new elements of this sprawling machine ...

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UN Report Attacks US, Constitution & God-Given Rights

Published on: Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A United Nations “human rights” committee investigation into the United States concluded that the U.S. Constitution should be changed and the U.S. government should impose additional infringements on free speech and gun rights to comply with UN agreements, explains The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Despite ...

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Deep State Caught SPYING on Congress, AGAIN!

Published on: Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Deep State forces within the U.S. Department of Justice were spying on members of Congress and their staff as lawmakers investigated DOJ wrongdoing in the scandals involving spying on Trump and his campaign, according to a House Committee cited by The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this week’s episode of Behind The Deep ...

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Using Public “Education,” Godless Elitists Transformed Americans’ Worldview 

Published on: Monday, October 30, 2023

The fundamental transformation taking place in the United States is the direct result of the radical changes in Americans’ worldview brought about by godless elitists using government schools, explained The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. For centuries, Americans possessed a biblical worldview. In other words, they saw ...

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How Globalists & Communists Encouraged Islamic Terror

Published on: Monday, October 23, 2023

Islamic terrorism is in the news a lot today but almost nothing is being said about how the Deep State, Communists, and globalists have all sought to weaponize Muslims, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Under the leadership of KGB boss Yuri Andropov, the Soviets sent ...

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Climate Hysteria Debunked by New Studies, Previous Lies

Published on: Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Three new scientific studies published in peer-reviewed journals are undermining the Deep State narrative surrounding alleged man-made global warming, explains The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. After decades of stunningly inaccurate predictions by the United Nations and the “climate” establishment, the climate agenda is imploding. And ...

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Globalists Are Weaponizing Religion to Push Climate Hoax

Published on: Monday, October 9, 2023

Globalists and Deep State minions are weaponizing religion and religious institutions to get their followers to submit to and promote the United Nations-backed hysteria surrounding alleged man-made global warming, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From a new papal document put out by Pope ...

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New UN “Pandemic” Declaration Part of War on Humanity

Published on: Monday, September 25, 2023

The United Nations and the World Health Organization should lead the world and reshape the economy to deal with pandemics and other real and imagined problems, “world leaders” said in a series of “high-level” declarations adopted during UN General Assembly meetings last week. In this episode of Behind The Deep State, The New American magazine ...

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UN Summit Pushing “Masterplan for Humanity” Happening NOW in NYC

Published on: Monday, September 18, 2023

The United Nations is hosting the Sustainable Development Goals 2023 conference to supercharge the UN push to implement this so-called “masterplan for humanity,” warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. The SDGs, as they are known, cover every area of life, and are a recipe ...

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Branch Covidians Unleashing Covid Tyranny Round 2

Published on: Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The totalitarian forces behind the tyranny unleashed under the guise of “public health” in 2020 are cranking up the hysteria and trying to bring about round 2 of the Covid madness, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From new mask mandates to a new Covid booster, ...

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BRICS & Regional Regimes: Deep State New World Order Emerges

Published on: Monday, September 4, 2023

The Deep State’s vision for a New World Order is rapidly advancing through the new mechanism known as BRICS, with each of those BRICS governments and regimes serving as an anchor in a broader regional government, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This regionalism is just ...

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Soviet Shootdown of KAL007 & HERO Rep. McDonald: What REALLY Happened?

Published on: Monday, August 28, 2023

Forty years ago, the Soviet Union shot down civilian airliner KAL 007 carrying Congressman Larry McDonald, one of the most important leaders in the fight against Communism and the Deep State behind it, and yet even after 40 years Americans still do not know the truth about this, explained The New American magazine Senior Editor ...

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Liberty Firebrand Crushes Establishment in Argentina Primary

Published on: Monday, August 21, 2023

Liberty-minded, anti-establishment firebrand Javier Milei with La Libertad Avanza just crushed the Latin American branch of the Deep State in Argentina’s presidential primary, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The communist network Foro de Sao Paulo, founded by Castro and others and backed by ...

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Digital Currencies Being Rolled Out NOW

Published on: Monday, August 14, 2023

Virtually every government and central bank on the planet is rolling out Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) even as globalists and Deep State totalitarians brag about what they intend to use them for — shredding privacy and controlling your life. In this episode of Behind The Deep State, The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex ...

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The Targeted Takedown Indictment of Trump Is a Deep State Revenge Tactic

Published on: Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The latest indictment of former President Donald Trump is not only a political ploy by Biden’s Department of Justice to take out the frontrunning Republican nominee, but it could also be a targeted deep state revenge hit coming from the highest levels of our institutions, explained Alex Newman, Senior Editor of The New American magazine ...

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UN “Summit of the Future” Plans to Empower “UN 2.0”

Published on: Monday, July 31, 2023

The United Nations is gearing up for a massive “Summit of the Future” that will radically empower the UN and its agencies as part of transforming the global organization into what its leaders are calling UN 2.0, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. Citizens ...

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Defeating Deep State Goliath BlackRock | Part Six

Published on: Tuesday, July 25, 2023

BlackRock is a critical tool of the Deep State being used to hijack American business to serve the New World Order, but resistance is growing quickly and this Goliath can be stopped, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman. In this episode of Behind The Deep State, Alex gives ideas on how it ...

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Behind The Deep State | BlackRock and the Fed: Consummate Conflict of Interest | Part Five

Published on: Tuesday, July 18, 2023

BlackRock is functioning under an unimaginable conflict of interest. Even as far back as the 2008 financial crisis, it was manipulating its ties to the Federal Reserve and central banking cartel to grow into the Goliath it has become. In this episode of Behind the Deep State, Alex Newman continues his exposure of the financial ...

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BlackRock: Fourth Branch of (Totalitarian) Government | Part Four

Published on: Monday, July 10, 2023

BlackRock has effectively become the fourth branch of government, and at this point it is hard to tell where the giant investment Leviathan begins and the Biden administration ends, explains The New American magazine senior editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Indeed, Alex names numerous top former government officials who ...

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BlackRock Boss Larry Fink is a Deep State Bigwig | Part Three

Published on: Monday, July 3, 2023

BlackRock boss Larry Fink is a leader in multiple key Deep State organizations including the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, and the Trilateral Commission, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in part 3 of this series on BlackRock for Behind The Deep State. Fink actually serves on the board ...

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Aladdin: BlackRock’s Shady AI System That Even Its COMPETITORS Use | Part Two

Published on: Monday, June 26, 2023

BlackRock has a shadowy Artificial Intelligence-powered system known as Aladdin that plays a key role in managing tens of trillions of dollars and shaping the global economy, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The “risk management tool,” as the corporate Leviathan describes it, is ...

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BlackRock Driving Business Into The Arms of The New World Order | Part One

Published on: Monday, June 19, 2023

BlackRock is a critical tool of the deep state in bringing big business into the new world order, explains The New American’s senior editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. BlackRock, with about 10 trillion dollars under management, is one of the top stakeholders in virtually every company you can think ...

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Lessons From Switzerland on Liberty and Decentralized Govt

Published on: Monday, June 12, 2023

There are many lessons that Americans today could learn from the Swiss confederation about preserving liberty, prosperity, peace, and independence in the face of escalating Deep State attacks on sovereignty and freedom, explain The New American magazine’s Alex Newman and Swiss-American Peter Rykowski in this special episode of Behind The Deep State. In fact, America’s ...

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Governments Intensify Efforts to Eliminate Homeschooling

Published on: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

On May 31, The Washington Post did a “Deep Read” article on one Christian homeschooled couple who “defied their families” and decided to send their children to public school. Although providing only one example, the paper made it look as if there is a grand movement of homeschooled parents “waking up” to the benefit of ...

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UN WHO Coming In for the Kill With “Health” Schemes

Published on: Monday, May 29, 2023

The United Nations World Health Organization is plotting monumental assaults on liberty, self-government and national sovereignty under the guise of global “health” that will affect everyone on the Earth, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Between the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations to the ...

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Behind the Deep State | FBI Exposed as Deep State Tentacle: Will There be Justice?

Published on: Monday, May 22, 2023

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been officially exposed as a dangerous tentacle of the Deep State to take down those who oppose the establishment and protect its criminal members such as the Biden family from prosecution and accountability, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The ...

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CFR Leadership Changing Hands — Not Policy  

Published on: Monday, May 15, 2023

The Council on Foreign Relations is truly the power behind the throne of American politics, and has been for over a century. Richard Haass, the head of the CFR, is stepping down in June — but fear not, his replacement, Michael Froman, will continue the CFR’s influence over Washington, leading the United States into the ...

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Deep State Weaponizing AI to Enslave Humanity

Published on: Monday, May 8, 2023

Deep State actors including individuals such as Bill Gates, tyrants such as the Chinese Communist Party and companies such as Google are weaponizing Artificial Intelligence to create the most comprehensive system of tyranny ever devised by mankind, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Already, leading figures ...

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Honoring History & Heritage That Deep State Seeks to Erase: First Landing 1607

Published on: Monday, May 1, 2023

The Deep State is trying to erase America’s amazing Christian history and heritage as part of the effort to eventually destroy the United States, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. That effort to erase history begins with the 1607 landing of English settlers on ...

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GLOBAL Central Bank Digital Currency Coming Soon? 

Published on: Monday, April 24, 2023

The International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements are working at the global level to radically reshape the monetary and economic system of the world, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. First, Alex breaks down the announcement by the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) ...

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UN Plots Giant Power Grab to Deal With “Global Emergencies”

Published on: Monday, April 17, 2023

The United Nations, Bill Gates and other powerful Deep State actors are plotting an enormous power grab that would put the UN and its agencies in charge of global emergency response for everything from climate change and economic crises to pandemics and “outer space” issues, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this 200th episode ...

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Debunking Deep State Lies on Guns

Published on: Monday, April 10, 2023

Some of the most violent and murderous nations in the world have total bans on civilian gun ownership while the most peaceful nation with the lowest murder rate has mandatory gun ownership for all men between the ages of 18 and 34, debunking Deep State propaganda about guns and the Second Amendment, explains The New ...

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Controlled Demolition of the Dollar?

Published on: Monday, April 3, 2023

Governments around the world are making rapid and significant moves to abandon the US dollar in international trade, part of the broader deep state agenda to displace the United States as the global hegemonic power and undermine the dollars status at the global reserve currency, warns the New American’s Alex Newman in this episode of ...

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“It’s a Trap!” Bringing Homeschools & Christian Education Under Control

Published on: Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The education establishment and even the United Nations are manipulating conservative Americans desperate to get children out of government schools into a trap that will eventually obliterate genuine school choice, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This exact scenario has already played out in various countries, ...

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Deep State Plan Behind The Banking Crisis

Published on: Monday, March 20, 2023

There are numerous key Deep State agendas moving forward amid the ongoing banking crisis that is rearing its head in America and beyond, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From helping Democrats and establishment forces centralize money and power, to paving the way for bigger government ...

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JBS Tip of the Spear Vs. The Deep State

Published on: Monday, March 13, 2023

Only one non-church organization has been truly exposing and fighting the diabolical Deep State since the 1950s and it remains the tip of the spear in that battle today, explained John Birch Society Vice President and American Opinion Foundation Chairman Wayne Morrow in this interview with Alex Newman for Behind The Deep State. Among other ...

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Feds & Schools Use “Suicide” Programs to Groom Kids

Published on: Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The federal government is funding various programs including through schools that, under the guise of combatting “suicide,” are grooming children for the LGBT agenda and encouraging gender confusion, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From a “suicide hotline” that promotes gender madness to the Trevor Project ...

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Biden & UN WHO “Pandemic Treaty” Will Crush US Sovereignty

Published on: Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Biden administration and the World Health Organization are conspiring with governments around the world behind closed doors to foist a massive “International Pandemic Treaty” on Americans and all of humanity, The New American magazine’s Alex Newman warns in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The draft of the WHO agreement would seize control ...

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How the U.S. Education Department Weaponized Schools Against US

Published on: Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A bill has been filed in Congress to shut down the U.S. Department of Education, which as The New American magazine’s Alex Newman explains in this episode of Behind The Deep State, has been a critical tool in weaponizing schools against liberty, family, and America. Among other elements, Alex highlights how the U.S. Department of ...

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Deep State End Game: Bio-digital Convergence & Transhumanism

Published on: Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The nightmarish Deep State vision for the future is more horrific than most can even imagine as technology advances, warns author and The New American publisher Dennis Behreandt in this episode of Behind The Deep State with host Alex Newman. Behreandt, who wrote the new book End Game: Covid and the Dark State Quest for Bio-digital ...

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UN Using “Neuroscience” to Push One World “Spirituality” on Children

Published on: Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A little known United Nations education agency is using neuroscience and advanced psychological manipulations dubbed “Social and Emotional Learning” (SEL) to indoctrinate children into global citizenship and one-world new-age spirituality, explains the new American’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep state. The UN outfit, known as the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education ...

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“North American Union” Back on Deep State Agenda

Published on: Tuesday, January 31, 2023

After being derailed by activists and exposure, the Deep State scheme to merge the United States, Mexico, and Canada under a European Union-style continental regime is back on the front burner, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Earlier this month, Joe Biden and the government leaders ...

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Deep State Ops in Brazil & Latin America: Communist Slavery

Published on: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

In this special episode of Behind The Deep State with guest Steve Bonta, Alex and Steve break down the Deep State’s scheming in Latin America—and especially Brazil—in support of Communist revolution and slavery. The two also get into the history of powerful Deep State forces in the United States supporting communism and subversion all over ...

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Citing “Polycrisis,” Globalists in Davos Plan “New System” for … Everything!

Published on: Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Globalists and their useful idiots are converging in Davos for the World Economic Forum to design a “New System” for work, care, employment, and much more in the face of what the organizations leaders are referring to the “polycrisis” hitting humanity, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep ...

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Does Deep State Want Civil War in US? Sure Seems Like It!

Published on: Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Deep State appears to be involved in an effort to engineer another Civil War in the United States by dividing Americans into political and ethnic camps and pitting them against each other, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From endless media propaganda promoting the narrative ...

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Open Borders and Weaponized Mass Migration: Fuel for Globalism

Published on: Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Deep State is using open borders and weaponized mass migration to overrun the United States and the Western world to advance its one-world agenda, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Right now, millions of illegal immigrants are crossing the border, and are being given papers ...

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Energy Crisis Being Engineered for Evil Purposes

Published on: Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Deep State is engineering a major energy crisis that may make life very difficult this winter across large parts of the Northern hemisphere, even in the United States, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The emerging crisis was brought about through relentless Deep State sabotage ...

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Deep State Uses & Creates Crises to Enslave You

Published on: Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Throughout the centuries, totalitarians have created and exploited crises to advance their objectives, and over the last century, the Deep State has done it repeatedly, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. From the world wars and the Great Depression to more modern examples such as Covid ...

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Occult UN Forces Seek to Hijack Religion for Globalism

Published on: Tuesday, December 13, 2022

United Nations forces and allies, many with ties to the new age and the occult, are working to hijack and unify the religions and religious leaders of the world for sinister purposes, explains the new American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. Various UN agencies are openly recruiting and weaponizing ...

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CBDC Digital Currencies: A Recipe for Global Slavery

Published on: Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Deep State, acting through institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements, is working to foist “Central Bank Digital Currencies” on humanity under the guise of safety, security, convenience, and social justice, but the real goal is abolishing privacy and implementing total control over the world, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in ...

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UN Climate Summit Agrees to Rob You for “Reparations”

Published on: Tuesday, November 29, 2022

SHARM EL SHEIK, EGYPT — Governments and dictators assembled at the annual United Nations Climate Conference agreed to seize massive amounts of wealth from what’s left of the western middle classes to pay global warming reparations to the UN and third world governments, explained The New American’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the ...

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New UN ‘Climate’ Religion Seeks to Update Morality, Ethics

Published on: Wednesday, November 23, 2022

SUMMIT OF MT. SINAI, EGYPT–The Deep State’s new “climate” religion focused on the environment and care for “Mother Earth” rather than sin, salvation and the Creator, is emerging alongside a growing United Nations push for a new system of morality and ethics, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this special episode of Behind ...

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Proof: Climate Cult Leaders Don’t Believe Their Own Narrative

Published on: Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The ringleaders of climate alarmism do not actually believe the narrative of CO2-as-pollution that they are marketing to the public, and it’s easy to prove, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. All you really need to know is that production in Communist China emits drastically more ...

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Mega-Banks Join UN to Unleash “Climate” Tyranny

Published on: Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The mega-banks of the United States and the world are critical players in the Deep State United Nations-led effort to transform the planet and impose centralized global controls under the guise of fighting “climate change,” warns The New American magazine Senior Editor in this episode of Behind The Deep State. As predicted by Georgetown historian ...

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Climate “Reparations” To Fund Global Tyranny

Published on: Monday, October 31, 2022

Under the guise of “loss and damage” for “climate change” supposedly caused by Western CO2 emissions, governments are promising to seize hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars from the middle class to hand to the United Nations and Third World regimes that have kept their people in poverty, warns The New American magazine’s ...

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Censoring Climate Truth as “Climate Crisis” Becomes New Covid

Published on: Monday, October 24, 2022

People who speak out against the man-made global-warming hypothesis and even the so-called solutions to this alleged “crisis” are being silenced and censored as the Deep State shifts from using Covid as the pretext for global tyranny to using “climate change,” warns The New American magazine’s senior editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind ...

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Collapse of Deep State’s Covid Vax Propaganda Goes Mainstream

Published on: Monday, October 17, 2022

The collapse of the Covid injection narrative is accelerating and has now burst through the censorship into mainstream consciousness in Europe and the United States, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The house of cards underpinning the Deep State’s fraudulent campaign is collapsing. One ...

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